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The Expedition
Салманов Равиль Эвристович. 10 лет. 4 класс. The Expedition. HIGH.
Before I took part in the Expedition through the Arctic, I had lived by a schedule. In the Arctic you lose sense of time. Having 24 hours of sunlight we could start our hiking at what we thought was 3 PM but it was actually 3 AM.
Our entire being was focused on one thing: survival. That day or night (I can’t say for sure) I was on polar bear watch while the others were sleeping. I didn’t have to fall asleep so I looked outside for some fresh air and came face to face with a ...
bear. I was afraid at first, but then I remembered I had caught some fish for it. The bear came up to the fish and began to eat. The bear looked friendly and I wasn’t afraid of it any more. Before the Expedition I had studied Biology and at that moment I was eager to take a picture of the polar bear. I managed to do it and was very happy.
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